Are you a nervous dental patient? Have you perhaps put off a visit to maintain your oral health just because your anxiety is too high to face it? Do you have nagging dental issues that you wish you could fix, but can’t face visiting the dentist? Then sedation for dental treatment may be the right avenue for you. Today Vitality will explore the ins-and-outs of sedation dentistry, and what you can expect from the experience with us.
Why is sedation dentistry an option for me?
Who among us can say they can really relax in the dentist chair? Probably not many. Fortunately, modern medicine has progressed immensely from the days when a dose of laughing gas was the most you could hope for from your dental experience. The overwhelming majority of dental procedures worldwide are undertaken with a local anaesthetic to numb the pain. This form of anaesthetic renders the entire area being worked on numb but does not cause you to lose consciousness. You will feel no pain, but may still be aware of the work within your mouth and can monitor the procedure throughout.
Sometimes, however, this isn’t enough. While almost all procedures can take place under local anaesthetic, that doesn’t mean it’s well suited to all patients. Patients with a phobia of dentistry, a previous bad or painful experience with dental work, people who seem very resistant to local anaesthetic or those suffering from an anxiety disorder can all benefit from sedation for dental treatment.
The Vitality difference: sedation dentistry for nervous patients
The dentist, unfortunately, can be a scary prospect for some people, despite the fact that Vitality works very hard to help you have the best experience possible. Almost 15% of people may avoid the dentist in the UK simply because of this fear! However, it’s important we do everything we can to help you overcome this fear and address any nagging dental issues you may have before they have a drastic effect on your health and wellbeing. It’s important everyone has access to quality dental treatment, whatever your concerns, and fear or shame should never be a reason not to visit the dentist.
Our first line of approach, of course, lies in our caring, friendly and professional approach. However, we appreciate that that isn’t always enough to overcome the factors we listed above. While most dental procedures can be performed under simple local anaesthetic, we also offer intravenous sedation for those patients who may feel too anxious to relax during the treatment. This prevents the need for a scary hospital visit- we can perform sedation here at our facilities in Pulborough, West Sussex – and allows you the security of relaxing with a healthcare team you already know, in our calm surroundings, knowing you will receive the very best care possible.
What can I expect from sedation dentistry?
You may be asked to prepare for your appointment by avoiding a certain medication or fasting the night before, but there won’t be too much change to your regular routine. When you arrive for your treatment, our specialised anaesthetist will ensure you are in a semi-conscious, sedated state while our skilled clinicians ensure your treatment proceeds smoothly. The sedation will leave you with a sense of calmness and make you far more comfortable throughout the procedure. When you regain full consciousness, you will have very little memory of the procedure and will be discharged the same day.
We can offer sedation option for almost any treatment at the practice, from hygiene appointments and fillings right through to cosmetic dentistry like implants, crowns and veneers. If you’d like to fully explore the sedation dentistry process with us, you are welcome to book a free consultation to discuss the whole procedure with us. We assure you that the sedation dentistry offered by Vitality will be more than enough to help even the most nervous patient have a relaxed and positive dental experience.
Does sedation dentistry sound like it may be the best option forward for your needs? Vitality is here to help! Set up your free consultation with us, and we can tailor-make a plan of action to help you get the very best experience in the chair. Remember, it’s critical to maintain good oral hygiene for your health and well-being, so book that appointment today.