To enter our competition either nominate yourself or someone else whose smile lights up the room and who deserves to adorn our website and other visual marketing material. Click here to…

5 Ways to Relax As A Nervous Dental Patient
For millions of people in the UK, the very thought of visiting the dentist is more than enough to prevent them from making an appointment. According to National Smile Month’s research,…

Best Online Resources for Dental Care
Dental advice online free of charge is now commonplace. However, figuring out which resources are the best to use is not as easy. There is a lot of information out…

Quitting these 10 habits can save your teeth
Do you have any of these bad habits? Your teeth need to be with you for the rest of you life. Quitting these habits can help protect your teeth. Do…

The Most Common Dental Sedation Methods
There will come a time when you will need anaesthesia or sedation when you visit your dentist. This can be for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you get anxiety whenever you lie down in…

Everything You Need to Know About Your Wisdom Teeth
Countless people across the U.K.—and in fact, all over the world—suffer from dental issues originating from their wisdom teeth. But what are wisdom teeth? Why do they cause so many…

The Dental Hygienist: What Do They Do?
When you go to a dental practice in West Sussex, you will most likely encounter a dental hygienist at some point of your time with them. But what exactly is…

What are the Difference Between a Cosmetic Dentist and a General Dentist?
There are many dentists and oral healthcare professionals in West Sussex, and many of them describe themselves and their services in certain ways, such as cosmetic dentist or hygienist or…

7 Signs that Could Mean You Need a Root Canal Treatment
If you are suffering from serious tooth pain that is caused by either serious tooth decay or a bad infection, you may be in need of root canal treatment. A…

What Are My Choices for at Home Tooth Whitening?
Everyone wants a whiter smile. One of the main questions we get from our patients is, “How do I get whiter teeth and what are my choices?” When it comes…