Dental advice online free of charge is now commonplace. However, figuring out which resources are the best to use is not as easy. There is a lot of information out there which is why it is imperative to know which UK resources are the most reputable. Having such health information about your oral hygiene can help you to prepare for your next dentist appointment or figure out if your pain is something that constitutes an emergency.
So which resources are the best for online dental care information?
This website is all about people. They do not host any advertisements, so the website is clean and concise. On it you will be empowered to take better control over your dental health. All of the information you need as an adult, child, parent, or school is readily given. This site ensures everyone who wants extra information about caring for their mouths gets it. They dispel the myths perpetuated about dental health. They reduce anxieties by giving you information you might need to choose a treatment option.
On this site you can search for information organized by advice sections. You can learn how to care for your mouth, learn about dental problems, dental treatments, and cosmetic treatments, among other things. Moreover, on this site you will find free information on treatments, diseases, and more. There are videos, activities, articles, and other resources. All that said, professional dentist help with an in person appointment can expound upon any of the issues you read about via this resource.
The Oral Health Foundation has started the Dental Healthline where you can get access to other educational resources. This charity is focused on improving oral health in the UK. They seek to provide readers with the best advice and information about oral health. Based out of the UK, their health line has answered over 350,000 inquiries for the last 15 years. They are staffed by fully trained dental nurses and oral health experts who provide you with free advice on different topics related to dental care. They can help you to understand subjects like different dental terms, treatments, procedures, hygiene, dental charges, current regulations in the UK, how to file complaints, and how to get referrals to other groups.
Their service is one which continues to provide invaluable information and education. You can call their impartial advice center between 9am and 5pm Monday through Friday and they will respond to your questions quickly and confidentially. Locals can phone 01788 539780 for emergencies where urgent oral health advice is needed. They also have an enquiry form where you can submit your question and receive an expert response within 3 days.
Their website has a “Tell Me About” section where multiple topics are covered. You can find a simple question and answer format for information about oral health. All the answers contained have been reviewed by a qualified dental professional. Everything is listed alphabetically as well.
Here you can read over their evaluations for dental care products to find out if the products you want to use have accurate claims about their “clinically proven” attributes or if they have been exaggerated. In this section of the site there are over 150 products reviewed and approved, which are on sale in over 80 countries worldwide.
- You can learn about which diet can reduce tooth loss and prevent gum diseases.
- On a related note, you can learn about tooth decay and which foods or drinks to avoid if you want to avoid it.
- You can learn how to overcome your fear of a dentist.
- You can learn about the processes involved in a teeth cleaning and how it works to prevent and treat gum disease.
- You can learn the best things to add to your regular oral hygiene routine so that you can enjoy a great smile for years to come.
- You can learn about the causes of gum disease and how to reduce your chances of tooth loss as an adult.
- Your personal dentist can help you to better review and remove your wisdom teeth.
- You can learn all about teeth whitening whereby you naturally change the color of your teeth without removing any of surface.
- You can learn about veneers and whether it is a viable option for you and your teeth.
Health information like this is a great start, but make sure you still rely upon your local dentist for a legitimate cleaning for your teeth and assessment of your oral hygiene.
Why is this information important?
Getting good dental information from online resources is important because most problems people have with their teeth and gums are preventable. Every day people have pain, chip their teeth, or lose them because of preventable diseases. Thousands of adults and children suffer every year from things like tooth decay. In fact, for children, the single largest reason for hospital admittance in the UK is tooth decay. Children upwards of 50,000 annually are admitted to hospitals for dental problems. They undergo treatments for things which are otherwise preventable. This can be stopped with education. Providing education, these top online resources help people, parents, children, and more to get the information they need so as to stop dental problems before they begin.
The next steps…
Out of all of this, the most important thing to remember is that none of these advice lines, blogs, links, or content is anything other than information. The purpose is to inform. Naturally, it is helpful for you to know that the weird teeth appearing in the back of your mouth at age 22 are your wisdom teeth, but getting an assessment about their health or having them taken out at the right time is something you need to discuss with your local dentist. Like all the content provided here, and via the online resources, it is important you use it as information only, and to get legitimate diagnoses, consultations, or dental procedures you must visit your local dentist.