Snoring Solutions & Snoring Devices
If you have a partner or family member with a chronic snoring problem, or you snore yourself, you’ll know how much this common issue can affect lifestyle and sleep patterns. Studies indicate that at least 30 per cent of adults snore – in fact, this night-time nuisance can result in stress, lack of energy, poor concentration, mood swings and irritability. In the long term it can cause high blood pressure and heart problems.
Help with Snoring
However, help is at hand, as the overwhelming majority of people who suffer with snoring can be effectively treated by their dentist using a Panthera D-SAD appliance – an oral sleeping aid device designed to gently hold the lower jaw and tongue in the ‘recovery position’ while you sleep, keeping the airway open. This could be called sleep dentistry.
What are the causes of snoring?
Snoring is caused by the vibration of soft tissues in the throat and behind the tongue, so the Panthera D-SAD is able to tackle the problem at its root cause, helping to restore calm and tranquillity for both your night-time and daily routines.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
The Panthera D-SAD is also useful in treating Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), which can be caused when an increase in weight or a reduction in muscle tone can trigger the airway to change from partially blocked (which causes snoring) to a completely blocked airway. Many OSA sufferers are unaware they have the condition and it may remain undiagnosed for many years.
OSA has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, but the Panthera D-SAD sleeping aid is an extremely effective long-term treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea. It ensures an open airway is maintained throughout sleep, and, being bespoke, is perfectly designed to meet the unique requirements of each user.
Having a Panthera D-SAD fitted at Vitality
During your consultation we will take a series of records, measurements and impressions in order to obtain an accurate representation of your teeth and jaws and how your mouth opens and closes.
These impressions will then be sent to the experts at Panthera, who will construct your bespoke snoring solution appliance with a high level of precision. We will then invite you back to Vitality to have your Panthera fitted. A month after the fitting, we will ask you to see us for a follow-up appointment to check your new appliance is working well.
A high level of precision and care goes into the design of the Panthera, making it a tremendously comfortable and effective treatment for both snoring and OSA.
Call us for an appointment about fitting an anti-snoring device today
Call us on 01798 872004, alternatively fill out our contact form on our contact page or visit us at our modern dental facility in Pulborough, West Sussex.
Our address is: Vitality, 32 Lower Street, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 2BL